Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy
Despite being a common condition, erectile dysfunction can be a very frustrating and embarrassing for men. Many men associate their “manliness” with the quality of their erection. Although medications like sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are effective, they can have side effects and lack the spontaneity that many men desire.
The science of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has advanced greatly in the past 30 years. We have learned why erections happen, both from a physiological and a biochemical standpoint. These discoveries have led to the creation of a whole new class of drugs, like Viagra, which have helped thousands of men to regain an active sex life. Despite taking these drugs, many men still find that their performance is still less than satisfactory. Until now, solutions to this problem included only surgery or self-injections.
Low-intensity shockwave therapy (LISWT) is a revolutionary treatment for erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, and Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain.
Unlike surgery, penile injections, or MUSE suppositories, shock wave therapy is a non-invasive treatment method. A unique benefit of LISWT is that it allows men a potential way to achieve natural, long-lasting erections for spontaneous erections in a way that medications would not. The goal is to offer men a way to achieve firm, long-lasting erections that allow them to engage in a spontaneous sexual encounter.
Shockwaves are audible, high-energy sound waves that have been used to treat a variety of medical conditions. LISWT has been used in Europe since 2010 for the treatment of vascular erectile dysfunction. LISWT is a noninvasive treatment that is applied to the penis and/or pelvic area. Each treatment session lasts for approximately 10 minutes. The treatment is performed in the office without the need for anesthesia. Treatment typically involves 6 sessions and aims to stimulate blood flow, new blood vessel formation, and enhance the release of nitric oxide.
The Benefits of LISWT
LISWT for the penis represents a new, effective, and natural treatment for ED. It works by gently stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms to increase blood flow to the penis, and to increase sensitivity. Scientific studies have shown that stem cells will be recruited to the treatment areas, bringing other growth factors, resulting in new healthy vascular tissue.
The Procedure
The treatments are performed in the office. No anesthesia is required, and the therapy takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The treatment course lasts approximately 3-6 weeks. Follow up additional sessions can be added, depending on patient preferences.
Experience Success with LISWT
Results from men recently undergoing therapy have been very positive. Men have been able to achieve successful and enjoyable intercourse, with more confidence and duration than before. LISWT can be combined with other therapies including oral therapy. A combined approach to treating ED is changing the way we think about sexual health. Many men, previously unable or unwilling to be treated by the older methods, can now be helped to again enjoy an active and healthy sex life. If you would like to have a discussion about your sexual health, and to find out more regarding innovative ways to restore your confidence, your desire, and your performance, please schedule an appointment with erectile dysfunction specialist Dr. Celigoj.
Frequently Asked Questions
Erectile dysfunction is complex and no two patients are the same. LISWT has been shown to be most effective in men with mild-to-moderate vascular erectile dysfunction. We encourage all interested patients to schedule a consultation with Dr. Celigoj to discuss their case in detail and determine the optimal course of treatment.
The effectiveness of modern shockwave equipment is determined by the highly customizable, dynamic energy range and therapeutic depth of focus.
Electromagnetic shockwaves generators enable precise and gentle dosing of shock wave energy. Our system allows for individually selectable, optimal energy delivery and adjustable therapeutic depth of focus
We use a state-of-the-art energy delivery system known as focused linear shockwave therapy. Most ‘other’ men’s clinics utilize a technology known as radial wave therapy. Radial wave devices are much cheaper than focused linear machines, but have not been proven to benefit erections the way focused linear technology has. Unfortunately, even most providers at these other men’s clinics don’t understand this critical difference.
LISWT has been proven to be incredibly safe and and has less reported side effects than oral medications like sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). Undergoing LISWT does NOT prevent you from using or undergoing any of the FDA-approved therapies for ED or Peyronie’s disease.
No. Although most patient’s initial consultation is covered by insurance, LISWT is not. The treatment is currently not FDA approved for these particular indications, and is not currently covered by insurance.
Call today to schedule your consultation with a fellowship-trained men’s health expert to learn more about LISWT at (561) 295-4446.